Independent comic book artist and character illustrator. "Working" on a couple comics.

Vi @SilverFox607

Age 31, She/Her

Independent Author


Joined on 5/9/20

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SilverFox607's News

Posted by SilverFox607 - September 14th, 2024

It's been a while! Just kinda had to take a mental health break for a while, but I'm getting back into things again before I take another hiatus. Progress has been slow but steady but there is progress all the same! Here are a couple panels that I really like from a couple pages I've completed so far!iu_1269289_7998387.webp



This project has been challenging, but I'm slowly learning the workflow and it has been very fun so far! I can't wait to finish the prologue so I can share it! In my time off I picked up a much faster workflow so hopefully I can keep up this momentum and get this project fully underway!

As a little bonus, here are the first drawings I've done in the past of Lavelle and Eva!

Lavelle started off as my first Dungeons and Dragons character from a full campaign in 2018


Here's how she looks now!


Eva started out as an old OCT character that I joined back in 2014 but I didn't make the audition deadline


And here's how Eva looks now!




Posted by SilverFox607 - October 25th, 2023

Hey y'all! Boy it has been a hot minute since I posted here. Oop.

Anyways, figure I'd use this moment to keep you guys posted on what ever the hell I've got going on at the moment. I'd like to thank all the new followers for joining in!! Even if you don't rate or comment on my stuff, I appreciate you all the same, it means a lot to build a following again. Also apologies for such an infrequent upload schedule, I'm not the most organized gal in the world, and with all the whackiness of 2023, it can be hard to stay consistent when all I want to do these days is melt my brain in a video game for untold hours on end. Anyways, on to what I really wanted to get to here: If you noticed my most recent upload spam, you can probably see that I'm working on a new web comic!

Is it smart to start a 3rd webcomic when I haven't finished the other two? Fuck no! But those comics have a lot of dark content planned ahead, and I personally don't have the patience for that kind of stuff with how crazy and stressful life has been. So, I put that shit on hiatus for a bit and promise I'll come back to them later! Right now, I want a light hearted little adventure with some cute gay girl shenanigans.

I've always had a soft spot for fluff yuri content, and as a bit of a perma-Dungeon Master, I figure why not take some characters I'm not doing anything with and make a story about them in my old Homebrew world? I get to have fun with some beloved old OCs, write an adventure to flesh out some old D&D lore, and have it with a couple of cute lesbians? That's like a win-win-win in my book!

One of my Discord Buddies saw an old cover drawing I did back in college (almost 9 years ago) for a short story I wrote and encouraged me to redraw and rewrite it. Here is the old cover art: iu_1102965_7998387.webp

God awful yeah? I think so. Old art is CRINGE

Here's the updated cover!


I got the idea to have Lavelle (my first real D&D character) get repurposed as a secondary protagonist, and for some reason in my sketchbook I always threw these two together, so why not make a whole story fleshing out their friendship? One of my favorite ship dynamics is the extrovert and the introvert, so let's put them in whacky D&D adventures and see where it goes?

I personally don't have a release date for the first chapter yet, life is still being crazy, but I've been slowly plugging away at the pages. Everytime I get myself into a weekly upload schedule, I end up drawing my ass off to have a backlog, burn my self out, then miss deadlines when the backlog is posted. So I'm just taking things easy, enjoying the process, and will post when it's ready. I might have the first chapter out in a month, or in a year, who knows? It is about to be the holiday season though, so my current progress might slow down. I'll try to at least share development updates as frequently as I can though.

So here's a couple previews from the pages I have down now! (my wife is working on the colors while I sketch and line, so these are the base sketches)

-Page 1 Preview-


-Page 2 Preview-


-Page 3 Preview-


Aaaaand Fuck it, why not have some old sketches I drew of Lavelle and Eva in the past? (SFW Cropped versions) (circa 2018-2019)



Thank you for listening to my incessant ramblings! Cya next update post!!

SilverFox 🦊💙

Posted by SilverFox607 - March 23rd, 2022

Sorry for the lack of drawings as of late! I've been busy working on my webcomics. My ADHD won't let me focus on one project for too long but I'm plugging away at both my webcomics. Here are a few panels for you as a sneak peak!

The Damned:



Delta Chronicles:



I'll release some pages soon so stay tuned!!

Posted by SilverFox607 - February 9th, 2022

So Instead of my page a week schedule, I'm going to post a batch of pages when they're done. I'm currently working on a big action scene and I don't want the flow to be interrupted. Apologies for the delays on my webcomic, I'm just having trouble keeping up with my weekly schedule like I planned. I'll still be posting pin ups and the like in-between so you guys have some art to look at, my work flow is just a little slowed since I'm still getting over this flu. Thank you all for your understanding!

Posted by SilverFox607 - December 14th, 2021

The next page for Delta Chronicles is going to have to be delayed this week, my wife and I came down with a cold so we are pretty knackered. Im going to be taking a few days off to rest, but I'll have the page and a drawing out soon!

Posted by SilverFox607 - April 22nd, 2021

Hey guys! It's nearly been a year already and I've done J A C K S H I T for art as you can see. I want to get more engaged with Newgrounds since Twitter is a hell hole and my job seems to get me banned on Facebook at least once a month. I heard Tapas has some censorship policies now on mature comics so I'm deciding to keep all my stuff Newgrounds focused. I'm planning on resuming my webcomic "The Damned" again soon once work calms down a tad, after I get the next page done I'll start uploading it here and have it all listed in a playlist on my profile so you can easily read it from start to finish! For now you can read what I have on the Tapas link and here's the cover art in this blog! I hope you guys like it, and thanks in advance for your support!


I also have a few other series in the works too! One comic series called "Delta Chronicles: Extinction" that I used to draw in my notebooks back in high school that I want to make a serious story! It's a sci-fi action series about humanity after they abandoned earth and struggle to survive, following Delta Squad, a team of recon soldiers fighting in covert ops and stumbling into a greater threat than they once thought.


And because I have zero self control and overwhelm myself with story ideas, I have plans to turn my Dungeons and Dragons games into a comic. I've recorded each session we've played so I can refer back and draw them up later. This will be called "Boneguard Mercenaries" a party of misfit mercs that take odd jobs like killing bandits, and slaying eldritch horrors.


I have other series I want to work on too, but I feel like 3 is a good stopping point for now, I'll put the others on the list after I finish or put in a decent enough job into one of these.

Posted by SilverFox607 - May 9th, 2020

Hey guys, I'm giving this Newgrounds thing a shot since I need a place to have all my portfolio work in one place. Twitter isn't doing it for me, Facebook, Instagram, and Deviant Art is too prude for my adult content, and Tumblr is dead as hell. So I'm going to be spending the better part of the day uploading as much of my work as possible (in chronological order) and keeping it organized!

EDIT: So I guess NG only allows 50 submissions per day, so it'll probably take a hot minute before my current work goes up. Stay tuned, I'm about 1/4th of the way through my old crap!